These general terms and conditions of use have the purpose of defining the terms and conditions under which the National Health Insurance Fund provides you with the service.
In unreservedly accepting these General Terms and Conditions of Use, you confirm your agreement to the following general terms and conditions of use on the Teleservice “affiliation service for inactive European Union Members” and consent to the processing of your personal data as described hereunder.
The TLS, its contents and services, and these General Terms and Conditions of Use are governed by French law, regardless of the place of use. In case of dispute, and after failure of any attempt to reach an amicable resolution, the French administrative courts shall alone have jurisdiction to respond to this dispute.
1. Presentation of the service
This service is targeted at all inactive nationals of the member countries of the European Union, the European Economic Area and Switzerland (EU-EEA-Switzerland) based in France permanently for more than three months.
It enables any inactive European applicant to:
- submit your application online for affiliation to the French Health Insurance Scheme to the CPAM of Gard (CREIC)
- upload the corresponding supporting documents
This filing service is available and accessible at, the National Health Insurance Fund website.
EC nationals can apply for their affiliation to the French National Health Insurance Fund in order to benefit from coverage of healthcare costs.
The teleservice has the objective of dematerialising the exchanges of these applicants with the CREIC an offers a space for confidential exchanges in order to ensure your application is valid (routing of the application following questionnaire, creation/management of user account, tracking of an application with access to an area for communication with the CREIC, upload of supporting documents, translation into other languages).
This service contains functions for sending interactive and personalised messages.
The use of this service requires the expression of consent to the creation of an account and to acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions of Use. These consents are materialised by a dedicated box to tick.
2. Access to the service
2.1 Terms of access to the service
Users of this service may access it via the National Health Insurance Fund website at the following address Use of this service is completely free of charge (excluding any costs linked to your internet access provider).
2.2 Availability of the service
This service is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with the exception of events of force majeure, IT problems, difficulties linked to the telecommunications network structure, or technical issues.
The National Health Insurance Fund may interrupt access to the service for maintenance reasons, and will endeavour to notify users in advance. Unavailability of the service does not give entitlement to any compensation.
Support/assistance is available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm (unavailable from 5pm to 9am, and on Saturdays and Sundays).
The National Health Insurance Fund cannot be held responsible for the consequences linked to absence of availability of the service for one of the abovementioned reasons.
3. Profile management
3.1 Creation of an account
In order to be able to benefit from this service, you must first create an account by entering your personal details as specified hereunder, and accepting these General Terms and Conditions of Use.
Upon first login, you will be asked to:
• enter your email address;
• choose a password composed of at least 12 characters, including at least one upper case, one lower case, one number and one special character.
The password for the service is strictly personal and must be kept secret. For security reasons, you are asked to never communicate the password enabling access to your personal account.
Once these data are entered to create the account, a confirmation email will be sent to the email address entered so you can validate the registration.
When you log in for the second and subsequent time, you have the option to personalise your access to the service, and notably to:
• amend your personal information and password
• delete your account
3.2 Management of the account
3.2.1 Use of the email address
Entering a valid email address is mandatory to benefit from this service, notably for the purposes of creating an account.
By entering and confirming your email, you agree to receive messages from the service to your email address.
3.2.2 Notifications
Throughout the service, you will receive:
• information messages notifying you of receipt of messages in your personal space,
• messages about the management of your personal account,
• messages about the examination of your application.
3.2.3 Forgotten password
If you forget your password, you will have the opportunity to generate a new one via a link next to the password entry field. This link refers you to a form to enter your username (email address), and when you confirm then an email will be sent to you comprising a single-use link. By using that link, you will access a page enabling you to enter a new password.
3.2.4 Change password
You can change your password from the “change preferences” tab, by entering in three separate fields the current password, the new password, and confirmation of the new password.
3.2.5 View account data
You have the opportunity to access all data from your account and to read all information about you. You can only view the status of the application and the main information if the application is accepted by the CREIC.
3.3 Delete account
You can only delete your account if you have no application in progress. You can access this in the “change preferences” tab. It will be activated after you enter your password and will entail permanent deletion of your account and deletion of any messages sent by the service. Deletion of the account does not entail deletion of the application form (or the associated data) at the CREIC.
4. Data protection
4.1 Preamble
The National Health Insurance Fund processes all personal data conferred on it within the framework of its missions and with respect for the regulatory requirements on data protection and privacy. The National Health Insurance Fund General Data Protection Policy is available at
This processing has the primary purpose of enabling applicants to carry out certain procedures and to access information concerning them and which are held by the health insurance bodies within the framework of their missions.
4.2 Data controller – Processor
The CNAM is the data controller within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the French Data Protection Act no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978.
In that way, it undertakes to take all useful precautions having regard to the nature of the data and the risks presented by the processing in order to protect the security of the data, and notably to prevent them becoming distorted, damaged, or accessed by unauthorised third parties.
The National Health Insurance Fund may not be held liable for damages caused by a use of the CREIC TLS in exploiting the information deriving from this website for purposes other than those for which they are intended.
4.3 Data collected
The account information derives from the data you have entered, the supporting documents you have uploaded, and the databases implemented by the National Health Insurance Fund within the framework of its missions, and notably to carry out the affiliation, reimbursement, and management of relations with the public.
The categories of data processed are:
• identification and contact information of the applicant, including the NIR, title, surname, forename, date of birth, nationality, email address, postal address, telephone numbers
• identification data concerning the dependents, including the title, surname, forename, date of birth, nationality, relationship to the applicant
• identification concerning any accommodation provider of the applicant, including the title, surname, forename, date of birth, nationality, relationship to the applicant
• data relative to the contracts of organisations for compulsory and complementary health cover, including the dates, receipt of a benefit including the complementary health scheme
• financial data including household income
• data relative to your professional situation and the composition of the household
• traces of access to view or edit the data relative to the applications
The National Health Insurance Fund organisations may be bound to provide or exchange information with their partners (Family Allowance Funds [CAF], Directorate General for Public Finance, Pôle Emploi, etc.) within the framework of their missions or legal obligations.
Particular information is also given to the data subjects via specific information notices and any General Terms and Conditions of Use (GTCU) concerning said services.
4.4 Period of storage of the data
All documents exchanged are kept in DIADEME and not in the Back Office of the CREIC teleservice.
The data concerning a user’s applications are kept for 5 years after the last decision on your application.
4.5 Security of the data
Before using your account, you must check first that your browser or network from which you access the website (domestic website or mobile phone operator network), and second that the operating environment of the devices on which the application is installed, enable access in a secure configuration.
You must also verify that the IT configuration used and the operating environment of the device(s) used are secure and do not contain any virus and are in good working order.
Only agents individually authorised by the director of their local health insurance organisation can access the data, and only that strictly necessary to exercise their duties, within the limit of what they need to know and with respect for professional secrecy.
You are asked to change your password regularly.
4.6 Right of access, rectification and objection
In compliance with the data protection legislation in force, you have a right of access to and rectification of the processing of your data.
These rights can be exercised to the Director of your affiliated National Health Insurance Fund by contacting the Data Protection Officer (DPO).
In case of difficulties in exercising the rights set out above, anybody can also submit a complaint to the independent authority in charge of data protection compliance:
Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés - CNIL – 3 Place de Fontenoy TSA – 80715 – 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07.
4.7 Management of cookies
A cookie is a small text file placed on your terminal (computer, tablet or mobile phone) when you visit our website/platform/application. It contains some data, including the name of the server having placed it, an identifier in the form of a unique number, and possibly an expiry date.
Cookies have different functions. They can enable the entity having placed it to recognise a web user, from one visit to the next, thanks to a unique identifier.
Some cookies can also be used to store the content of a password, others to save the language parameters of a website, and others still to target personalised services at you.
The National Health Insurance Fund undertakes, within the framework of the missions conferred on it, to ensure the protection, the confidentiality and the security of all your personal data with respect for your privacy. When you browse our website, we may place various types of cookies on your terminal. They have the purposes described below.
Cookies strictly necessary to operate the website: These cookies guarantee the important functions of the website, such as the possibility to move from one page to the next.
The website cannot operate properly without them, so they cannot be deactivated.
Name of cookies | Purpose | Period of storage |
PHPSESSID | Session cookie (cookie enabling the website to recognise you from one page to the next during your visit; when the internet browser is closed, this cookie disappears and there is no further trace of it on your device when you visit the website) | Duration of your session |
5. Liability
5.1 Warning about the content of the service
You acknowledge that the National Health Insurance Fund cannot be held liable for the information and services offered, and you accept that the use of this information and these services is under your sole and entire responsibility, control and management.
5.2 Liability of the user
The data processed within the framework of the service are personal data, covered in that way by the provisions of the French Data Protection Act and breach of which is sanctioned by Article 226-13 of the French Criminal Code.
You are solely responsible for the use of the service and the content you enter and export in compliance with its use, with respect for the laws and regulations in force and these General Terms and Conditions of Use.
You are responsible for keeping your username and password. You must therefore not disclose them to anyone. If your access information is lost or stolen, you can change your password.
You undertake however to respect the public policy rules imposed such as, for example, the legislation on pornographic, racist or illegal content which could be damaging to the integrity or the sensibility of another user or an institution through the medium of messages, texts or provocative images.
In that way, you undertake not to distribute within the interactive services offered to you messages of an injurious, insulting, denigrating or degrading nature or having no connection with the questions addressed.
5.3 Liability of the National Health Insurance Fund
In its capacity of data controller, the National Health Insurance Fund has taken all useful measures to ensure the security of the data contained in the service.
The National Health Insurance Fund declines any liability in case of:
• occurrence of an event of force majeure having an impact on the service,
• problems linked to the internet network,
• breakdowns or damage resulting from your hardware or contamination of your IT system by viruses, attacks or malicious acts by a third party,
• use of the TLS by the user in a manner not compliant with these General Terms and Conditions of Use.
The National Health Insurance Fund cannot be held liable for the consequences linked to an absence of availability of the service for one of the reasons mentioned in the “Availability of the service” part.
6. Intellectual property
For all contents, texts and logos presented on the website, all author rights are reserved.
Save with the prior written formal permission, the reproduction and use of the works, other than individual and private consultation, is prohibited.
Any request for permission for any use must be sent to:
Direction de la communication
26-50, avenue du Professeur André-Lemierre
75986 Paris cedex 20